Let me tell ya ’bout my best friend

Kaya June,

I tell you this every day, but I love you more than the whole wide world. I love every little thing about you. I love the way you use the letter “f” instead of “s” and say words like “ficey” and “feaker” and “finny” instead of “spicy” and “speaker”  and “spinny.” I love your love for extra finny dresses. I love how you tell me “I wuv you more than the whole world” randomly and without me saying it first. I love the funny little things you say out of what seems like nowhere, like “I wuv donuts. Mama, I like donuts a lot.” when you first woke up and “oh this is cute” in the Starbucks bathroom and “know where it is next time, Mom” when I missed the exit to the frozen yogurt shop and “ya talking about elephants back there?” when Dad and I were talking in our room.

I love the way you talk to your babies. It’s funny hearing you say things to them that I say to you. You’re going to take such good care of your baby brother when he’s here. And that’s another thing I love about you! I love how you color pictures for your baby brother and show them to my tummy. I love that you like to scratch my tummy and sing him the ABC’s through your crib at night. I love that you love hugging him and giving him a good night kiss. I love how patient you are with me even though I know how much you want me to give you piggyback rides and pick you up.

I love that you’re silly and sassy. I love that you want me to snuggle and hold you even when you’re mad because you’re not getting your way. I love how you’re always in a good mood even when you’re not feeling good. I love that you know what a coffee shop is and like to go on dates with me there. I love that you have an imaginary friend named Bubba who you yell at and play with and talk to. I love that you rub my back without me asking you to and how you ask me to scratch harder and under your shirt when it’s your turn for a back rub. I love how you try to negotiate, often successfully, for just one more book or one five more minutes or five more songs. I love the way you ask (or demand) to go back to my room for cuddles.

I’m nervous that you won’t want to be so close to me when your brother gets here and I’ll have to spend some of my time with him. I don’t ever want us to grow apart. I want you to know that you will always be my best friend and true love. You’ll always be my #1 girl. I can’t wait to sneak away on girl adventures just the two of us. You are my world, my love.

I love you more than the whole world, sweetie pie.

Love, Mama


We took a trip to Oregon at the beginning of the July and it was awesome! Josh and I both said we’d move to a place like that if we didn’t have all of our family supporting us here.

Mount Shasta 7.JPG

Mount Shasta 2018

We started off on a Thursday afternoon and timed it pretty well with Kaya’s nap. It was a pretty uneventful drive aside from getting a speeding ticket (-_-) and Kaya did really well. We stopped in Tulare, which is basically in the middle of nowhere, after about four hours. It was so nice to check in to the hotel in daylight, have dinner, and sleep rather than drive through the night. Kaya had a blast playing with the corded phone.

We left the next day around 8AM, which we were super happy about, until we realized we left a bag there and had to backtrack twenty minutes. Not awful, but when you have a toddler in the car who doesn’t want to be in the car, those forty extra minutes are not great. We pointed out farm animals and construction trucks and tried to keep Kaya entertained with songs and new activities, but eight-ish hours in the cars with few stops is pretty rough. Our sweet and calm little girl didn’t have her best day, but overall it was a lot better than it could’ve been. We arrived in Dunsmuir around 4:30pm and it was beautiful. A quaint little town surrounded by trees was the perfect place to spend the evening. We had dinner at the local brewery and Kaya was super happy about the live music. She stared at the guy playing his ka-tar (guitar) and swung her little legs in her chair the whole dinner. Kaya did a hilarious little nudie dance before our shower that had us both cracking up hysterically for a while. After we put her to bed, Josh, Hank, and I sat on bench outside our room and talked while it got dark. It was so peaceful and I really want to do that more often. Then I got paranoid about mosquitoes so we came inside and went to bed.

The next day, we drove up Mount Shasta and it was gorgeous. We drove as far as we could go and hung out for a while just taking in the beautiful view.

Mount Shasta 1

Tiny girl with the whole world at her fingertips.

Josh went for an unexpectedly long ride while Kaya and wandered around the park. I’m pretty grossed out by porta potties, but I had to pee so bad so Kaya had her first experience in one. It was not good. The toilet was FULL, which I didn’t even think was possible. The smell was so awful that Kaya and I ran out of there and I peed on the ground near the car, which Kaya thought was ridiculous and kept telling me not to pee on the ground again next time. We found a gas station with ice cream and ate too much sugar while we watched a man practice skydiving moves on the grass. It was a great morning. After that we packed up and headed to Oregon.


Besides a much needed family vacation, the purpose of the trip was to visit Josh’s friend Matthias and his family in Corvallis, Oregon where they’d moved a few years ago. I loved the downtown area and all of the brick buildings. I was surprised to see how much farmland there was out there. Matthias’ house was on a golf course meshed between farmland and forest. It was beautiful. We spent the next 5 ½ days hanging out at the house, trying their favorite restaurants, splashing in the country club pool, having our first NorCal beach day, and poking around forests. Kaya was pretty shy most of the time and definitely get her best rest, but it was so great to getaway and see a new place for a few days.

The highlight of the trip for me, and probably Kaya, was the 4th of July festival. There were a ton of jumpies, which Kaya loves, and I got her an unlimited pass so she bounced for hours. We found some cute souvenirs in a little shop in the main part of town and had fries for lunch before going back for a nap. That evening, we returned to the festival with Josh, Matthias and his wife Katherine, and their eight-year-old on Conrad and Kaya had a blast bouncing again. We missed the fireworks (it gets dark so late there so fireworks were way past her bedtime), but it was still a great celebration.

Beach (8)

My people.

Kaya and I flew back home the next day. Although we spent a lot of time by ourselves or hanging out with the family while Josh and Matthias rode bikes, it was nice to have this little adventure with just Kaya and I. She loved watching the plane come in and her favorite question (why?!) was definitely not in shortage that day. We had a great flight and it was nice to sleep in our own beds. Josh and Hank came home a few days later (we missed them!) and it was back to our normal routines from there.

Airport (2)

The sweetest goodbye.

I’m really thankful we had a chance to vacation for a while, especially now that I can’t really do much until we find out if my cervix is changing. It’s crazy to think that more likely than not, the next family vacation we take will be as a family of 5! Not sure how we’re going to fit 2 car seats, a dog, and all of our stuff in our SUV, but it will certainly be an adventure.

And here’s a few more photos because I can’t help myself.

Beach (3)

Next to the ocean she looks so small.

My last baby

This pregnancy has been extremely hard on me emotionally. It seems like with every bit of good news, there’s more difficult news. After four long weeks, I finally had my cervical checkup. Last week we got the amazing news that my cervix has lengthened from 2.3 to 2.8! Still not at the magical 3, my doctor wants to see, but thankfully it’s not getting worse. As of now, I’m supposed to be laying or sitting down after work and taking it easy with limited activities on weekends. This mild bed rest makes me feel so guilty and anxious. I hate not being able to do all of the fun stuff with Kaya I’m used to and not being able to prep the nursery, help with our office remodel, or do more basic tasks around the house makes me feel like going insane.


Baby Boy: 22 weeks, 4 days

During the ultrasound, a cyst was discovered on our little kern’s brain. It’s called a choroid plexus cyst and while not super common, it’s typically something that goes away on its own and doesn’t cause any problems. Of course, my mind went to the worst place possible and the color drained from Josh’s face as he feared it was a tumor like he had five years ago. Our doctor let us know that when paired with other soft markers for chromosomal abnormalities, this cyst can be a marker for Trisomy 18. I passed my genetic tests and our baby is developing normally, which means this is not considered a marker at all. Despite that, I spent the rest of the afternoon in bed crying. We considered having additional non-invasive prenatal testing done, but after talking to my new doctor at my checkup the following day, I decided against it as it would basically be telling us what we already know; the likelihood of our boy having a chromosomal issue is pretty slim. Talking to my doctor made me feel a lot better. He told me that additional testing was unnecessary and that both of his kids had these cysts and turned out just fine. While I’m still uneasy, that helped. I let him know that I’m a chronic worrier and he told me about the itty bitty shitty committee, the tiny, but powerful part of your brain that immediately fills your mind doubt and fear and worst-case scenarios. He told me to tell it to shut up and enjoy my pregnancy (and life). And you know what? He’s totally right. I’ve been struggling to really enjoy this pregnancy because I’ve been consumed by fear and guilt and that’s not a good or healthy way to live.

I got home from work a little early yesterday and decided to go through some files to prep for the new office. It was kind of cramped in the closet, but I was sitting and not doing any lifting so I gave myself permission to be productive. Sitting around not doing much has made me feel like I’m going insane so I allow myself to do little tasks that require little physical effort on occasion. After that, I laid down in my bed for a while before going to pick up Kaya. From that point on, something just didn’t feel right. My uterus felt very heavy and I felt an unusual amount of pressure in my vaginal/lower abdominal area. I did my best to stay off my feet, which is hard to do with Kaya running around demanding things, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t as it should be. Josh was working on demoing what will become our new office and I asked him to come inside early because I needed to lay down. I told him something wasn’t right and that I was considering going to the hospital. By 7:15, I’d decided the best thing I could do was to go to triage and get this checked out even if it meant forfeiting my nightly routine with Kaya. I just didn’t feel comfortable walking around, bending, or sitting on the floor. I kissed her goodbye and headed to the hospital.

It was a long night. I spent a little over five hours laying in a hospital bed listening to other women in moaning and breathing through active labor. I felt silly for being there because other than pressure, I didn’t have any other symptoms, like bleeding or discharge. I was ready to chalk this up to me being overly sensitive and paranoid and was starting to mentally kick myself for choosing to spend half the night here for what was probably nothing. But, turns out I was having contractions. Light ones, that I really couldn’t feel much, but contractions nonetheless. Thankfully, my cervix remains closed and my cerclage is still tight. I was tested for a protein that shows up when you’re going to deliver within a week (which is insane that a test for that exists!) and that test eventually came back negative. I was given nifedipine to stop the contractions and was told that if the medicine didn’t work, that I was in preterm labor. I was scared and, of course, my phone died a few hours into my stay so I couldn’t talk to Josh about anything, so on top of that I felt alone. On the bright side, the kern was the most active I’ve ever felt him. Nurses kept coming in to fix the monitor because he was flipping and punching all over the place, which also kept throwing off the contractions monitor. I loved feeling him move around and hearing his heartbeat. He felt really low, which likely contributed to some of the pressure I was feeling and sometimes it felt like he was trying to punch right through my cerclage. The nurse couldn’t feel his head through my cervix and I didn’t appear to have any bulging waters so that was a relief. As worrisome as this experience was, I tried to soak in the little alone time I got to have with my super active and tiny son.

My contractions eventually stopped and I was finally discharged around 12:30AM. I was hungry and tired and pretty much collapsed into bed when I got home. As of this morning, my uterus still feels heavy and I still have the slight sensation that my vagina is wide open, but neither are as bad as yesterday. If my symptoms return, I’ll have to go in to see my OBGYN. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a reason for why this happened. Hopefully, it doesn’t turn out to be a pattern as that will likely lead to permanent, full bed rest. So today, I’m taking it easy, working from my bed, and trying to relax. I’m going to try really hard to force myself to do as little as possible. I don’t want to risk this pregnancy or losing even more time with Kaya.

All of this, the post-cerclage problems, the cyst, the contractions, the increased fear… this has made me come to the realization that this little guy will be my last baby. A few months before I got pregnant, I started dreaming of having three kids. I wasn’t ready for this to be my last pregnancy and I don’t think I am now either. The stress and pain and the feeling that I’m in some way abandoning Kaya are taking their toll on me and I’m afraid it will only get worse. I’m not shutting the door just yet, but I have a strong sense that our family will be perfectly complete as a family of 5 (can’t forget Hank). I don’t know that my body or my mind will be able to do this again. Sometimes I find myself struggling to get too excited because I’m scared of what I might lose.

With all that being said, I’m really trying to remain positive about this pregnancy. I’m trying to internalize all of the good things, like this little guy’s feisty kicks and how much Kaya already loves him. I’m trying to remind myself that this little guy is happy and healthy (and measuring a week ahead!). I’m trying to take more bump photos so I can have a physical reminder of how far I’ve come. I’m trying to steer my mind away from the itty bitty shitty committee and all of the things I keep worrying about that are mostly out of my control. I’m trying to ask for help more and I even hired my sister to come over a few times to help with cleaning and will definitely be recruiting for more help as time goes on.

Josh and I have been having late-night dinners together, just the two of us, at least four times a week. He usually makes it (this will be the only time I say thank you bed rest) and we have no phones or Netflix. Just us sitting together talking about life. It’s been refreshing. I don’t know what I would do without him. He’s the strongest person I know.

So that’s that. I keep telling the kern to stay in there for a few more months and hope he somehow knows how much he is already loved. I can’t believe that I’ll be holding him in a little over 16 weeks (or sooner, but hopefully not that much sooner). Today, I am 23 weeks and 4 days pregnant. It seems like I’ve barely crossed the halfway point, but I feel really lucky to be here. As much as modern medicine can be infuriating and scary (I feel like I know too much and it drives me bat shit), I would likely not have Kaya and definitely wouldn’t have the kern without it.

I love you, Josh. I love you, Kaya. I love you, Kern. I love you, Hank. Thank you for being the best family I could ever ask for.


The best.